In the European Alumni Meeting (EAM) meeting in Espoo in 2022 there was a decision of forming a team that will help to guide the future events in Europe.  


European Events Support (EES) is a team of alumni who are former Up with People participants. The EES offers support to organize alumni events in Europe. The events can be organized by the European alumni clubs, alumni living in European countries without clubs and anyone who decides to organize an alumni event in Europe. 

EES works independently, yet in collaboration with the Events committee of Up With People International Alumni Association (UWPIAA) regarding events in Europe.   

EES is not a registered association in any European country, but consists of a changing combination of volunteers from different countries in Europe.  


  1. to ensure communication about European events between Up With People (UWP) alumni around Europe. 
  2. to collect and share information about European activities arranged by national clubs. 
  3. to support and share information about how to set up a EAM or Triangle Alumni Date (TAD) or any other event or project when the local team wishes.  
  4. to ensure the continuity for EAMs to the upcoming years and help finding the next locations.  
  5. to provide financial guarantees for these events, so local teams don’t have to do that with their own risk and money, or to advise the teams about how to make the budget to avoid financial risk.  
  6. to set up an EES facebook profile, an EES email address and a drive archive in Google Drive. The existing EAM facebook page will remain.  
  7. to host the official meeting part at the EAM, in collaboration with the organizing EAM team.  
  8. to host online meetings prior to the EAM events, where finances and other necessary issues will be presented. 
  9. to cover the expense of the Zoom account that can be used by European alumni clubs and individuals for alumni meetings online. The use of a zoom account is open to European alumni. They can ask the EES to set up a meeting preferable a week prior to the meeting.  
  10. to call an online meeting of European country representatives (Eurochat) when needed. 


  1. EES members can be anyone who traveled with the UWP organization at any era since 1965, and who lives in Europe. 
  2. The EES consists of 5 people. There will be no elections to the EES positions, as they are volunteers. There is no president or board of EES, as it is not an official association.
               2a. 2 of the members ideally have a focus and knowledge in finances.
               2b. The 3 other members have more focus on the supporting of organizing the events.  
  1. Besides the 5 people of EES, there is a flexible group of other volunteers that are always welcome to join the EES meetings and be in the loop of information. Their activities are more seldom and not needed to be constantly active. The tasks may be specific to one’s talent or perhaps happen in a short time frame. You can even just give your name on a volunteer list for helping out when needed. 
  2. EES can name work groups for projects in the future if needed.  
  3. There is no fixed time for anyone to stay in EES. It is preferred to aim at 1-5 years for each person and not having multiple members leave within a short time frame.    
  4. When a member decides to leave EES, they will be replaced with another volunteer. It will be preferred that the one leaving will find his/her replacement or the remaining 4 members will find a new person. This gives EES flexibility and continuity.  


  1. The aim is to have a stable amount of money in the bank account as the base for supporting European activities. The aim is not to gather excessive funds in the long run.  
  2. EES can accept donations from previous EAMs, as well as IAA, national clubs and individuals. 
  3. When an EAM is arranged with financial guarantee coming from EES, the profit of that event stays with EES to be used to secure the following events.  
  4. EES can decide case by case to sponsor projects, events or individuals in the common good of European alumni. This can happen only when the funds are adequate for serving the next events.  
  5. The book-keeping of EES is open for viewing by request for European alumni or clubs and will be presented annually online prior to the EAM event.  


  1. The EAM is considered as the annual meeting of EES.  
  2. The annual bookkeeping is presented in an online meeting prior to each EAM, followed by Q&A. 
  3. The agenda of the EAM meeting will be posted on the event website at least two weeks prior to the meeting. The minutes of the meeting will be posted in the event website, archived in the EES google drive and can be shared by request later. 
  4. If there will be major changes in structure, operations or the finances of EES it needs to be approved by a majority at the official meeting at the next upcoming EAM.  
  5. Minor changes can be decided by four out of five majority members of EES.  
  6. If there is a question about if a change is major or minor, it is to be evaluated at Eurochat. 
  7. Individual minor financial decisions can be made with four out of five majority of EES. For major financial decisions Eurochat should be called. 
  8. EES calls their meetings online on the basis of need. They can determine if they want to have regular meetings or only when needed.  

We are still looking for members to the EES team and volunteers for the future. If you are interested in joining, please contact Suzy Waterschoot by whatsapp: +32 478 731 069 or email: